Sunday, August 15, 2010

This beer gets four out of five dogs

It's good to be known as a beer snob.

Seriously. It is. When people come to visit, they bring me beer, for fuck sake. How cool is that? Wanna make me happy? Give me the gift of a good beer drunk. That's all I want. That's all I need. A full day's supply of vitamin C in every glass.

I hope.

When the nieceling and her husbandling showed up on our doorstep wanting a place to crash, they knew what would buy them a bed for a night or two: a cooler full of Alaskan beers, and a couple of brews from this place called Yazoo Brewing Co, from Nashville, Tennessee. That's right, suckas. I'm talking red-fucking-neck beer.

I think you're going to have to understand, folks south of the Mason-Dixon don't know shit about beer. They think Rolling Rock is great beer. (And I'm not linking: the stupid motherfuckers have a stupid fucking Flash site. What the fuck is up with breweries and Flash? Does the beer make them fucking stupid or something?)

That's why, when some fucking redneck makes an actual good beer, there's reason to celebrate. At least a little.

Dos Perros is a decent beer. It's strangely a bit like Trinity, kinda malty and sweet. Dos Perros also has a hint of citrus. Not that folks from Tennessee know shit about citrus. They leave that to the Floridians. But that doesn't stop 'em from trying. And here, it really does work. It's not real citrus, don't get me wrong. That'd be a fucking crime against beer. They aren't doing any of that pansy shit of putting real lemon juice in their beer. Do that, and you might as well sell it by the side of the road for $.25/glass. (I was gonna link to, but the fuckers at Leinenkugel's use fucking Flash!) But it has a bit of citrus, maybe because they say this is inspired by Mexican beer.

Anyway, Dos Perros is a decent beer, for a regional. It's not nearly as good as many, but it's better than most. Malty, citrusy, light on the hops. It's a good summer drink.

And their website doesn't consist solely of fucking Flash.

If this beer were a dog, it'd be a Tennessee corgi.  It's pedigree is from another country altogether, and it seems its legs shouldn't reach the ground, but it all works together in a surprisingly good way.

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