Tuesday, July 20, 2010

In your face! It's Quitness!

Well, Sucker, guess what this is? Yeah, that's right! It's a tall beautiful 30-minute glass of Quitness. It's named after LeBron James (who was some local athlete or another), so you know it's funny. Oh, and it's wonderfully exotic. Look at the rich amber color, the froth of head, the cask-conditioned cloudiness. There's more bitterness there than a convention of all your ex-girl/boy friends. It's crisper than a Glover.

I got some. And you didn't.

Why didn't you get some? Why? You could've been there, if you'd planned ahead. But you didn't plan ahead, did you? Too bad.

Now, before I go all self-satisfied on your ass, I should say that not many people got a chance. Not many at all. There were only a few firkins of this delicious IPA. And it took for fucking ever to get one. I stood in line in the crowded and rather boisterous Great Lakes Brewing Company Pub for 40 minutes before the nice young gentleman manning the pump took pity on my clearly desperate ass and handed me a couple. Of course, it took him probably 30 seconds to draw each glass.

I'm not sure I would've used the sparkler when drawing this beer, but whatever. It's their pub. They can do whatever they like. Whatever. The result was a clean beer, with plenty of head. The slight effervescence of the cask conditioning was a nice break from the heavy carbonation of many beers. The bitterness was like my tongue asked to be the bottom in a little S&M game. Nice, if you're into that sort of thing.

Mainly, though, this beer was fresh, the kind of freshness that would get you slapped in a 1950's era movie. In a classy way, though. The taste was predominantly hops, of course, as you'd expect in an IPA. There was enough malty sweetness to give the hops the old what-for, of course. (I don't know what that means. As far as I know, I myself have never given anyone or anything the old what-for. I just thought it sounded good here.)

In any case, I got some. And you didn't.


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